Core course week just finished here at DIS Copenhagen! That means every student just finished a three-day Study Tour in Denmark or a neighboring country with their core course. My core course is Communication & Conflict and we went to Lund and Malmö, Sweden during our three-day tour.
Here is what my week looked like!

Monday, February 4th
Group Visit to Outer Nørrebro Resource Center
Tour of Nørrebro, one of Copenhagen's so-called ghettos
Coffee & tea at Designcafeen
Lunch at Café Sirius
Visit Waqf Mosque
Lecture by Imran Shah about Muslim Cultural Identity in Denmark
Dinner at home
Soccer Practice
Bed time....zzzzz
Tuesday, February 5th
Visit Danish Parliament (Folketinget)
Talk with Naser Khader, member of the Danish Parliament for the Conservative People's Party
Lunch at Grød (highly recommend!!)
Tour of The Danish Golden Age & National Identity exhibit at Statens Museum for Kunst
Dinner at home
Wednesday, February 6th

Piercing shop w/Maddie ;)
Wednesday snails (my favorite part of every Wednesday!!)
Homework and internship applications at The Original Coffee Shop in Illum
Pack for study tour
Run before the sun sets!
Bachelor night at the apartment (our weekly tradition!)
Thursday, February 7th
Central Station to depart for Helsingør
Group visit to the Folkhøjskole, International People's College
Morning Fellowship
Creative Writing Class
Lunch with the students
Discussion about the history and purpose of the school with Søren Launbjerg
Group activity & dinner
Bowling at Ängelholms
Friday, February 8th
Helsingør --> Lund
Lecture by Lund Professor Dalia Abdelhady about Refugees, Nationalism & Identity
Coffee run & explore Lund
Lunch & learn at Yalla Trappan in Rosengård
Visit to Rosengård Mall
Exercise (running is the best way to explore!)
Group dinner at Sultan Palace
Explore Malmö nightlife

Saturday, February 9th
(sadly, our group visit was cancelled)
Shop & explore Malmö
Group lunch at Torget
Walking tour of Malmö
Malmö --> Copenhagen
Overall, it was a wonderful week. I wish I went on this many field trips at school back in the United States! Thank you DIS!
Cheers to truly utilizing Europe as our classroom!